Let’s get you hired.

Over 80% of disabled people in the USA are unemployed but the large majority of our community can, and want, to work. This is unacceptable and it’s time to change that. While many companies are starting to understand the importance of inclusion, most don’t know where to start. These companies need guidance on how to include disabled people in ways that honor the lived experience of the disability community. That’s where you come in.

Nobody understands the disabled experience like disabled people themselves. Let’s elevate your voice to help companies, brands, and managers understand what is necessary to make their workplaces, campaigns, and companies truly inclusive. I work with nation-wide brands all the time and while I can speak to my lived experience and disability best practices, a huge part of my working relationship is elevating other voices. That’s why I want my partners - and tons of others - to hear from you.

You have lived experiences and work experiences that I don’t. You are an expert in your field, not me. You are a powerful, disabled badass and I want to help get you connected.