Inclusion and Accessibility are buzzwords that we often hear thrown around in many spheres of business: design, UX, marketing and, of course, DEI. Yet when asked to define the difference between the two, many well-intentioned professionals see them as one and the same, and have overlooked the nuances that make them different.
Join Kelsey Lindell and Natalie Trevonnne-Gross, experts in each of these important topics, as we discuss the difference between them and how to optimize your strategy with both concepts to reach the multi-trillion dollar market of disability buying power.
Kelsey Lindell is a DEI Disability Expert and Disability-Inclusive Marketing Consultant. Kelsey was born with a radial clubbed hand and uses her lived experiences and her extensive professional experience to educate companies and brands on ableism and disability rights. She offers customized trainings or on demand programming for companies that want to expand their DEI efforts to include disabled people.
Natalie Trevonne-Gross is an Entertainer and a Fashion & Entertainment Accessibility Consultant. Natalie is blind, and is one of LinkedIn's Top Voices in Disability Advocacy. She is currently working with brands, companies, and organizations to make sure that people of all abilities can access things independently.